Intrinsic Safety Slogans
1- The inside of my soul is safe with you.
2- It's what's inside the safety manager's brain that matters.
3- Safety comes from the heart.
4- The intrinsic value if a good is found in the safety managers ability to ascertain the level of safety complexity required to obtain that good.
5- Some things are good in and of themselves. This is what safety managers hope every employee eventually understands about safety.
6- Safety truly has intrinsic worth and yet companies wish they could ignore it.
7- Safety is about doing what's right and that comes from within.
8- You can legislate extrinsic rewards and punishments, but the real value of any safety program is the ability to instill intrinsic reward systems.
9- I intrinsically appreciate what I have inside of me.
10- Battles seem to be won and lost on the outside, but the real battle starts early on the inside as intrinsic systems intervene to show support to company values
11- You can always stay true to an intrinsic idea you believe in and put your heart and soul into the safety of it.
12- Whenever my boss tells me I did something wrong, I tell her I did it right intrinsically.
13- Motivation is clearly best when intrinsic and yet so many safety managers focus on external rewards.