1- It's safe to say, singing She Bangs won't win over Simon.
2- We all love it, but Simon don't think so.
3- How did Randy lose all that weight so quickly?
4- Keep the lip sync timed properly.
5- The winner has the most auto-dialers.
6- Don't make Paula cry again Simon.
7- Your farewell song should be Cry a Lonesome River.
8- New Kids on the Block meets Pulp Fiction.
9- Their singing is all so great and yet where did all the winners go?
10- I used to work at Mcdonalds singing to the drive through customers all day long?
11- I know I have talent because my mother says I do.
12- Half of being a great singer is picking a song other people like.
13- Being gay, doesn't make you a great musician.
14- "I think you have to judge everything based on your personal taste. And if that means being critical, so be it. I hate political correctness. I absolutely loathe it." (Simon Cowell).
15- "I welcome him like I welcome cold sores. He's from England, he's angry and he's got Mad Power Disease." (Paul Abdul about Simon Cowell)
16- "Dawg Pound, We got a hot one tonight." - Randy Jackson
17- If you pass out and and get hurt, don't worry because it's all on live television.
18- The safest way to sing is with your own voice.
19- Be careful how long you hold the long notes.
20- The scariest part of the show is the face off with Simon.
21- Simon Says was my favorite game to prepare me for the show.
22- I don't need to sing well, I have a portable auto tuner in my pocket.
23- Simon made me do it.
24- After this show is over, you can go to the xxx factor.
25- A good safety manager should find the flaws and tell the truth like a good Simon Cowell.
26- Cow and hell create the perfect Cowell. If you get kicked off it will make you feel better.